Instead of performing yoga poses on a mat, aerial yoga utilizes a silk hammock or sling that is suspended from the ceiling to perform those same movements. The purpose of the hammock is to provide support through your yoga flow, while also improving flexibility and range of motion. The hammock also takes pressure off certain areas of the body like the head and shoulders, allowing you to reach those more challenging poses like headstands with greater ease. 
Our intermediate classes are a mix of yoga and circus skills,so as you progress some of the poses you will learn will be more challenging but rewarding.

Aerial Yoga

What to expect - 
In a Aerial hoop beginners class you will be Focusing on strength and conditioning for the hoop, developing a high body awareness, learning basic holds and transitions building up a strong back and core stability ready to progress to the next leveL.All classes start with a 5-10 minuet warm up, the class objective finishing with a 5-10 minuet cool down  
What to wear- 
Leggings,leg warmers,socks. Aerial Hoop intermediate-
 What to expect-
 learn how to link basic hoop tricks together to form combinations,preparing for advanced level. 
All classes start with a 5-10 minute warm up, the class objective finishing with a 5-10 minuet cool down

Aerial Hoop

 What to expect -
Pole Fitness is a fun and challenging way to improve upper body & Core strength.
as well as improving all over body flexibility and suppleness. 
Pole Fitness is combined with aerobic & anaerobic exercises which is a brilliant combination to lose fat and build up muscle.
Leaving you with brilliant results.
What to expect in a pole fitness class-
 All classes are designed for different experience levels.All Pole fitness classes consist of a 5-10 minute warm up,The Class objectives followed by a 5-10 minute cool down.
Required experience-No experience or fitness level is required for Beginners pole fitness class.
 What to wear - Shorts and Tshirt please.

Did you know that lack of flexibility is one of the most frequent causes of poor performance, inefficient technique, and even injury?
Have no fear, we are here to help!
At Obsidian studio we offer Flexibility Classes that teach you how to improve your flexibility and mobility to help improve your performance and your practice! 
In our flexibility classes you will learn proper and safe techniques to enhance your flexibility and take it to the next level, using active and static stretches
This class is beginner friendly and there is no prior experience necessary! We alternate each week from back bends to splits.

From beginners to advanced  there is a class to suit every practitioner.
My classes are heartfelt , gently challenging and very rewarding.



flexibility TRAINING

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if you have any questions please drop me a message with as much detail as you can on how i can help and i will get back to you as soon as possible x

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